Amazon Game just pushed out this latest New World Update 1.3.4

Amazon Game Studios just pushed out this latest New World Update 1.3.4, and here is the full list of patch notes for you to read through.

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Inscription : 10 mars 2022, 03:30

Amazon Game just pushed out this latest New World Update 1.3.4


Message par rodeoneerer » 10 mars 2022, 04:17

Amazon Game Studios just pushed out this latest New World Update 1.3.4, and here is the full list of patch notes for you to read through. It’s a relatively small patch with some minor changes and improvements. This week’s update includes fixes and changes for Tuning Orb cooldowns, alongside fixing some general key issues.

The update has fixes for weapons including one to Leaping Strike for swords, so the ability should no longer be interrupted if you are hit by a light attack. Void Gauntlet gets a fix to Refreshing Harvest that corrects the damage reduction to limit the passive to reducing damage from Harvest Essence.

Expeditions have had a few changes made. Notably, the glyph puzzle in The Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition has been fixed as an issue was stocking players from progressing.

Multiple Expedition Orb changes have been made which include Mutated Expedition Tuning Orbs being sold once every three days instead of once a week. Similarly, Garden of Genesis and Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition Tuning Orbs will be available once every three days instead of every day.

When it comes to PvP, there are a couple of repaired features here too. A War would not occur if the defending company had no members. Additionally, if a server was down or in maintenance mode during a Siege, the War cost was not refunded. Both of these should be working properly post-update.


Fixed an issue that was preventing players from advancing past the glyph puzzle at the beginning of The Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition.


Fixed an issue where Mutated Expedition Tuning Orbs could only be purchased once per week, instead of once every three days as intended.
Garden of Genesis and Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition Tuning Orbs can now be purchased once per day, down from once every three days.
These changes will not affect orbs that are currently in cooldown from a recent purchase. However, all future purchases will reflect the new, shorter cooldown.

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Messages : 31
Inscription : 01 nov. 2022, 21:47
Prénom : Mathias


Message par Mathias196 » 01 nov. 2022, 22:00

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